
It works instantly!
I am 44 and perimenopausal. Have been using soy isoflavones and black cohosh for years and they seemed to be enough in limiting hot flashes. However since last year other symptoms have grown to a point where my quality of life has seriously deteriorated: insomnia, fatigue, joints pain, lethargy, negativity, mental fogginess, irritability...the list goes on.
Isoflavones and black cohosh were no longer able to control anything except hot flashes. Femarelle worked instantly and I am now feeling as good as I felt 5 years ago...hopefully my review will help other women. I wonder why it’s not as popular as other supplements.
Perhaps it’s new to US. The fact that it’s popular in Europe and Israel gives me hope because the quality controls are very high there.
United States on January 9, 2019